Van Oord visited Noordwolde at the end of August to take a look at our range of pump sets. In close consultation between the client and Van Heck’s project manager, and given the client’s pressure and capacity requirements, the choice fell on our DPPG820-HK800 series. This pump set can deliver the desired flow rate of 6,250 m3/hour at 30 mWC.
Due to the very tight timetable for this project, one pump set will carry out trials in Urk on a Van Oord vessel, and the other DPPG820-HK800 will be shipped ahead to Mexico via Rotterdam. This way, Van Heck will be able to support the client as much as possible, with maximum flexibility.
Following the trials, Van Oord’s vessel will cross the Atlantic to Mexico without a pump to collect the DPPG820-HK800 and carry out water injection dredging (WID) and mass flow operations.
Van Heck’s contribution
By playing a proactive role during the trials and providing maximum support, the expectation is that Van Heck will not need to send a supervisor out to Mexico. Should the need arise, this, of course, will not pose a problem; Van Heck provides a worldwide service.