A satisfied customer returns
In 2017, Van Heck made an important contribution to an ingenious Statoil project in Mongstad, Norway.
Drilling heads to drill long pipelines through rocks were cooled with the water that the Van Heck pumps pumped up. The pipes that were used were left behind and must now flush the installed Statoil production pipeline. Van Heck has been instructed to do this in two phases. Phase one has now been completed (May 2019).
Equipment and follow-up
Phase two will take place in July / August. Again, the required equipment will leave for Mongstad. It is planned that this phase will take approximately two months. The transport includes a diesel-driven pump set- the SC 350 and two hydraulically driven pump sets- the VSPH 400. These pump sets are powered by two Power Packs and are controlled by an FO container. To make sure everything runs smoothly, a Van Heck supervisor will be present this entire period.